Monday, July 31, 2017

Season 1

Just goes to show...I made the mistake of sharing a few episodes on facebook last week. Even though my account is private, lo and behold, they got pulled. so i am re-uploading them right now.

The Colbys

I know the Colbys series is pretty much impossible to find. Several years ago i found season 1 on Youtube, but each episode was split into 6 clips and some of them had 1 or 2 clips missing. Plus, the quality was awful, as they were recording onto VHS, apparently at the lowest quality setting, on a lo-fi tape that had been taped over many times, transferred poorly to digital, and then poorly encoded. 

So, if ANYONE has halfway decent recordings of the series, even if they were originally from VHS, as long as they are watchable and listenable, would you please consider sharing? It's not like the studio is making the series available to us either on TV, DVD, streaming services, or anywhere else, so i don't see how sharing could possibly be any problem. 

I do completely agree with Joan Collins' assessment, however, that The Colbys killed Dynasty. Unlike the way Knots Landing was spun off from Dallas, on a different night, with only occasional crossovers in the early years, almost no overlapping storylines, and only taking away 2 recurring characters, The Colbys took away 2 original characters, had constant characters going back and forth and storylines spanning both shows. It was like a 2 hour block of one show. Key moments, like Blake's reunion with Fallon, was seen on The Colbys. If viewers only watched Dynasty, all they got was an expository moment of him telling Krystle, "you're lucky you weren't there. It was one of the most painful moments of my entire life." Ken Howard and Diahann Carroll were practically split evenly between the two shows. The whole pipeline plot spanned both, and it was just too much. 

Season 5 of Dynasty was #1. Season 6 ended at #7. But I wonder if you were to look at the Nielsen ratings earlier in the season. I bet the numbers started dropping about 1/3 of the way through after Fallon and Jeff left for the other show. Obviously, taking Fallon and Jeff away left a void in Dynasty, so people watched The Colbys. Then they saw that the show kinda sucked. Season 6 of D was still good. But by season 7 of Dynasty, after Fallon and Jeff's presence were pretty much fully gone except for a few recurring appearances, and also with the Amanda recast debacle, and the Colbys getting more ridiculous, viewers were spread too thin and worn out.

What I would have done would have been similar to what Dallas did with Knots. Introduce Jeff;s California relatives. Maybe spin off one or two characters who were not such a part of the core of Dynasty. Put the show on a different night. Have occasional crossovers, but not plots that forced people to watch both shows to get the whole picture. 

Season 2 Up

Just finishing uploading the last few episodes of season 2. Seasons 1 and 9 are fully uploaded. Once again, all episodes are DVDrip/webrip. NO VHS/SoapNet stuff. I know many sites out there are deceptive, labeling season 9 eps as dvdrip, trying to get traffic, only for you to find, after wasting time downloading, or navigating through a thousand pop-ups or popunders (and for windows users, risking viruses; we mac and linux users need not fear), but I would never deceive. I have nothing to gain, and am not making a penny off anything. 

I've checked all episodes for audio/video sync issues and i'm almost positive there are none. Openload does sometimes re-compress if the filesize is a little larger than they like, but that doesn't usually affect anything, in fact, not even the quality. But if anyone notices any sync issues, let me know, and i will fix it.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Season 9 Posted

I decided to embed the vids to season 9 first, since i know they are impossible to find, except for the unwatchable SoapNet VHS to Digital xfers. Each video is a single episode, so for the sake of time, i didn't go in and label each one. There are 22 of them. If you have a media centre, such as Kodi, and you do DL the vids (I didn't restrict downloading, and in case you didn't catch my tip before, use firefox, install downthemall from the firefox addon store, also ublock origin is helpful. Be sure to pair your device using the link on the home page. Once you play a video, just right-click and select down them all and save video with down them all. This will bypass the bandwidth throttling that openload uses to get you to buy a premium account. And, it's much faster than streaming), they should pull up the right metadata instantly. These have been checked against the official episode guide, with 2 hour episodes split into 1 hour episodes, so that there is no issue with mistagging. For some reason, the newer DVD release set counts 2 hour episodes as 1, but most episode guides always count them as 2.

Again, PLEASE do not share publicly. No youtube, google+, dailymotion, etc. Share privately with friends and family, that's fine. send people here. that's awesome. But all it takes is one careless person to share to the wrong site and the MPAA will shut us down immediately. I share because I'm in a very tight financial spot and right now, watching things like this is one of the few bright spots in my life. I figure that people who can afford to pay will pay, just as I would, and have, when I had the money. So, I share, in hopes that people in situations similar to mine right now might get a little joy out of it. If you have money and affording the DVD set is of no consequence to you, then I do ask that you think twice about it. I did purchase these when i had the money.

Also, this is my very first blog. Can anyone tell me how to make it a member's only group so that you have to join in order to see the videos and you have to check a box that you are not a member of certain groups, etc? I would like this to be a place of peace and sharing where everyone can contribute.
 Click Here

Apalled at the CW

Having seen the trailer to the remake, I was aghast. Richard and Esther Shapiro should be ashamed of themselves, destroying their own legacy, selling out to the CW, of all networks. It was a total mockery. The cast list is IDENTICAL to season 1 of the original, except that they are bringing in Sammy Jo a season early, except as Sam, Cristel's gay nephew. It appears they will be following the original series outline almost exactly, just adding more graphic sex, language, racial and ethnic diversity (that I have no problem with), but VERY bad writing, and sub-par acting. While the original show knew when it needed a little camp to give some levity here and there to the melodrama, based on this trailer, it appears that this show is almost a total parody and mockery of the original series, mixing gratuitous sex and campiness. I was appalled at the scene where Fallon walks in on Blake and Cristen (Flores) doing it on Blake's (played by Grant Show) desk, where Blake makes a wisecrack. John Forsythe's brilliant, multilayered, masterful portayal of such a complex man as Blake, contradictory, loveable, yet unlikeable sometimes, cold, yet tender, takes an A class actor, and nobody can compare. I dread to see who they cast as Alexis in season 2.

As a former iHeart radio host, I've had the honor of speaking with 2 cast members of the original series on a couple of occasions, which i will post soon. Both Gordon Thomson and Emma Samms. Both of whom I keep in touch with from time to time. Emma is very classy and wouldn't every say anything negative, but Gordon doesn't hold back and I assure you he is very displeased as is Joan and several other members he didn't name. Not one of them were even asked to make a cameo appearance or even play one of the older characters. One would think that if they were to do the show right, Emma or Catherine Oxenberg, both british, would make good Alexises, or even Pamela Sue or Heather. But I doubt any of them want to be associated. The CW is a vacuous void of 2 dimensional crap, aimed at the 18-25 demo, and I just hope this doesn't tarnish the legacy of one of the greatest shows of all time. TNT destroyed Dallas with all of the HORRIBLE, obvious mistakes they made by hiring an incompetent producer. But the fact that the Shapiros, the creators and co-execs or the original series, are doing this remake, makes it even worse!