Monday, July 31, 2017

The Colbys

I know the Colbys series is pretty much impossible to find. Several years ago i found season 1 on Youtube, but each episode was split into 6 clips and some of them had 1 or 2 clips missing. Plus, the quality was awful, as they were recording onto VHS, apparently at the lowest quality setting, on a lo-fi tape that had been taped over many times, transferred poorly to digital, and then poorly encoded. 

So, if ANYONE has halfway decent recordings of the series, even if they were originally from VHS, as long as they are watchable and listenable, would you please consider sharing? It's not like the studio is making the series available to us either on TV, DVD, streaming services, or anywhere else, so i don't see how sharing could possibly be any problem. 

I do completely agree with Joan Collins' assessment, however, that The Colbys killed Dynasty. Unlike the way Knots Landing was spun off from Dallas, on a different night, with only occasional crossovers in the early years, almost no overlapping storylines, and only taking away 2 recurring characters, The Colbys took away 2 original characters, had constant characters going back and forth and storylines spanning both shows. It was like a 2 hour block of one show. Key moments, like Blake's reunion with Fallon, was seen on The Colbys. If viewers only watched Dynasty, all they got was an expository moment of him telling Krystle, "you're lucky you weren't there. It was one of the most painful moments of my entire life." Ken Howard and Diahann Carroll were practically split evenly between the two shows. The whole pipeline plot spanned both, and it was just too much. 

Season 5 of Dynasty was #1. Season 6 ended at #7. But I wonder if you were to look at the Nielsen ratings earlier in the season. I bet the numbers started dropping about 1/3 of the way through after Fallon and Jeff left for the other show. Obviously, taking Fallon and Jeff away left a void in Dynasty, so people watched The Colbys. Then they saw that the show kinda sucked. Season 6 of D was still good. But by season 7 of Dynasty, after Fallon and Jeff's presence were pretty much fully gone except for a few recurring appearances, and also with the Amanda recast debacle, and the Colbys getting more ridiculous, viewers were spread too thin and worn out.

What I would have done would have been similar to what Dallas did with Knots. Introduce Jeff;s California relatives. Maybe spin off one or two characters who were not such a part of the core of Dynasty. Put the show on a different night. Have occasional crossovers, but not plots that forced people to watch both shows to get the whole picture. 

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