Watch Season 2 (DVD/WebRip)

The Shapiros had most creative control during season 1. While good, Blake was very unlikeable. Aaron Spelling wanted him to be more complex, rather than the stereotypical man who was heartless with other men, but tender with women. So, Aaron brought in Alexis, and decided to they needed a strong female character who could antagonize Blake and bring out a more sympathetic side in him, since the audience reaction to him was a bit cold. Also, he knew John Forsythe was able to play a much more complex character. TV at that time had very few strong female leads, while Dynasty had 2. Krystle and Alexis. While the antitheses of each other, they were both strong in their own right, and the introduction on Alexis also introduced shades of grey into the show. Many people failed to see the depth in the writing and the characters that this show had, especially for its time. While Joan was certainly over the top sometimes, she will forever be an icon, and its been proven that pop culture does indeed influence social progress. Had there not been an Alexis, would there be as many female executives today? Had there not been a Steven Carrington, would same-sex marriage and gay rights have come as far as they have? Maybe, maybe not. But One has to at least consider the possibility that when 100,000,000 people worldwide were watching this show at its peak, seeing things every week that were not the social norm, it had to some impact on their thinking...




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