Sunday, July 30, 2017

Apalled at the CW

Having seen the trailer to the remake, I was aghast. Richard and Esther Shapiro should be ashamed of themselves, destroying their own legacy, selling out to the CW, of all networks. It was a total mockery. The cast list is IDENTICAL to season 1 of the original, except that they are bringing in Sammy Jo a season early, except as Sam, Cristel's gay nephew. It appears they will be following the original series outline almost exactly, just adding more graphic sex, language, racial and ethnic diversity (that I have no problem with), but VERY bad writing, and sub-par acting. While the original show knew when it needed a little camp to give some levity here and there to the melodrama, based on this trailer, it appears that this show is almost a total parody and mockery of the original series, mixing gratuitous sex and campiness. I was appalled at the scene where Fallon walks in on Blake and Cristen (Flores) doing it on Blake's (played by Grant Show) desk, where Blake makes a wisecrack. John Forsythe's brilliant, multilayered, masterful portayal of such a complex man as Blake, contradictory, loveable, yet unlikeable sometimes, cold, yet tender, takes an A class actor, and nobody can compare. I dread to see who they cast as Alexis in season 2.

As a former iHeart radio host, I've had the honor of speaking with 2 cast members of the original series on a couple of occasions, which i will post soon. Both Gordon Thomson and Emma Samms. Both of whom I keep in touch with from time to time. Emma is very classy and wouldn't every say anything negative, but Gordon doesn't hold back and I assure you he is very displeased as is Joan and several other members he didn't name. Not one of them were even asked to make a cameo appearance or even play one of the older characters. One would think that if they were to do the show right, Emma or Catherine Oxenberg, both british, would make good Alexises, or even Pamela Sue or Heather. But I doubt any of them want to be associated. The CW is a vacuous void of 2 dimensional crap, aimed at the 18-25 demo, and I just hope this doesn't tarnish the legacy of one of the greatest shows of all time. TNT destroyed Dallas with all of the HORRIBLE, obvious mistakes they made by hiring an incompetent producer. But the fact that the Shapiros, the creators and co-execs or the original series, are doing this remake, makes it even worse!

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